♥ Gemilang Selatan Resources ♥

POSTED ON: Wednesday, 1 June 2011 @ 20:45 | 0 comments

Morning people!!! Lame sungguh Cik Rerama tak update entry kan?? post2 yg sebelum2 ni pon cam hambar je... ntah tibe2 ilmu menulis Cik Rerama suram tibe2.. hehe mungkin gak sebab lame sgt dok lepak kat rumah, so otakku "Pending" sket... Now, i'm back with a new spirit!! Yeappy!!!
Well let's proceed k.. Hey wanna know something??? i'm finally got a part time job!!! yeahh, am on my way to achieve my target for this semester break... What is it?? oh no no nooo, i won't tell at this moment.. Just wait k?? it's like people always say "It is for me to know and for you to find out" (^__^) yeahh baby i loikeee it!!! hehehe
Ok hentikan gundah gulana di dada, skunk Cik Rerama nak share about my current part time job for May ~ Sept semester break... AHN?? oh NO!! sudah semestinya tidak and tak akan lagi... (*kecik ati with someone there actually but it's is ok if they no need me and same goes to me then...)hehehe Erm, mule2 plan nak kerja butik balik kat Angsana sbbnya cam fun giler kot kerja butik... Sempoi~ ~ ~ Tapi dalam tempoh menunggu panggilan kerja tibe2 je Abg Farez yg skunk Cik Rerama panggil beliau Encik Farez (*member baik ayah) call ayah offer Cik Rerama kerja dengan dia... hehehe bak kate orang2 veteran "Pucuk dicita Ulam mendatang" lah kan... Cik Rerama pon ape lagi grab lah kan... Lagipun apa salahnya kan try kerja opis lakkan.. hehe Cik Rerama kecian kat bff Cik Rerama H.Z Dean, beliau yang beria2 nak kerja pejabat tok semester break ni...last2 Cik Rerama yang dapat...huhuh sabor ye H.Z Dean. kalo ade rezeki tak kemane pon...huhu

Today ari ke dua Cik Rerama kerja sini, best lah jugak sebab kerjanya simple je tambah lak environment sangat selesa.. Relaks je buat kerja tak pressure sangat pon, cume yang pressure bile duduk dalam keadaan serba selesa cmni tapi tak ada kerja nak buat...

sangat lah bosan, maka mulalah macam2 bende kat dlm otak Cik Rerama ni nak buat disaat ini...hehehe antaranya nilah UPDATE BLOG yang dah berminggu tak update...tibe2 idea mencurah2 lak pagi ni...hehehe
Well let me introduce to you, people in my office:

Gemilang Selatan Resources Team:

En. Farez ~ The Big Boss
En. Ibnu Al Amri (Ami) ~ 2nd Boss
Kak Umie ~ Office mate
Pak Zainal ~ 2nd Boss punya Dad
Abg Zainal ~ The dispatch

Hehehe tak ramaikan? Haruslah lah kan sbbnya company ni kecik je tapi very multitasking semua kalau boleh dorang nak buat hehehe.. Good job boss!! U're very ambitious, i'm so impressive with you.. (*hehe ayat bodek namenya ni) Well, for the first start ok lah kerja ni...hehe Ok to be continue k, nak cari kerja lah...Bosan lak asyik ngadap PC je online.. Tata Sambung nnt ye...


♥ Cik Rerama ♥

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