
POSTED ON: Thursday, 20 January 2011 @ 22:58 | 0 comments

Erk, well i have something to share here and dude please don't get me wrong...
Well i just found this photo while i'm in my searching mood on Photobucket.com
So, i would like to share with all my viewers about the deepness meaning for every kisses you gives and receives... really hope this information are useful enough to all of you...
Lets check it OUT!!! yeahhhhh

.:: Meaning of Kisses ::.

Kiss on the hand - I adore you.
Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.
Kiss on the chin - You are cute!
Kiss on the neck - I want you.
Kiss on the lips - I love you.
Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun.
Kiss anywhere else - You're the best.

So, how was it? nice rite??
hehehe now if your love one give u a kiss, you can start interpret his/her feeling towards you....
Like what i've told my dear friend, Najmie ; "Use if wisely!!!"



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